Professional Grade Breathalyzers

When you require the highest level of accuracy and consistency.

  • "Our ER uses BACtrack breathalyzers to quickly administer a BAC test for incoming patients in emergency situations, where a blood test would simply take too long. Sometimes you need to know right away, and this helps us accomplish that."

    - Elizabeth M., RN Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington DC
  • "As a distiller, much of my day is spent tasting alcoholic beverages for quality control. I use my BACtrack to make sure I'm not impaired when it's time to drive home. I'm confident in it's accuracy – it helps me safely manage my work day."

    - Spencer M. GrandTen Distilling, Boston, MA
  • "The S80 is a fantastic unit and a super value; I highly recommend it for use in law enforcement."

    - Deputy Sheriff Scott Wallace, Saline County Sheriff's Department, Saline, AR
  • "I use my breathalyzer to test the women who live in my sober living home to determine sobriety. We depend on knowing each of us is sober and our BACtrack makes that possible."

    - Dani M., Dani's Sober Living Home, Austin, TX

Xtend® Fuel Cell Sensor Technology

BACtrack pro-grade breathalyzers use a sensor we created by adapting a technology that was originally created to determine the mixture of alcohol required for a hybrid fuel used by experimental military vehicles. We redesigned this technology into our proprietary Xtend® Fuel Cell Sensor technology that sets BACtrack apart from the rest, allowing us to deliver the most accurate and consistent BAC results.

Miniature Solenoid Air Pump

All pro-grade breathalyzers use a miniature solenoid air pump to collect a user's best breath sample. The better the sample, the more accurate the reading. During use, you can actually feel the click of the pump collecting the breath sample from deep in your lungs and at the end of your exhale for a more precise reading.

BACtrack Mobile Pro

The award-winning BACtrack Mobile Pro integrates a smartphone app and our pro-grade technologies to bring blood-alcohol content (BAC) wirelessly to your device. Quickly and easily estimate your blood alcohol content (BAC), track your results over time, and with ZeroLine®, estimate when your BAC will return to 0.00%. Features Bluetooth connectivity, innovative tracking, personalization, and Apple Health integration tools. Offers additional Active ZeroLine™ feature on Apple Watch.
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Department of Transportation

The BACtrack S80, Element, and Trace meet the requirements of the Department of Transportation/National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration for a personal breath alcohol screening device. Both Element and S80 have passed DOT/NHTSA testing. Long recognized for excellence in design and prevision, BACtrack was the first company ever to receive U.S. FDA 510(k) clearance to market breathalyzers to consumers.

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    Precise Results

    The linear response of the Pro Series’ Xtend® Fuel Cell Sensor Technology provides precise results over the complete range of alcohol concentrations expected in the breath, from 0.000 to 0.400 % BAC. BACtrack pro-grades can accurately detect trace amounts of alcohol and reliably handle very high BACs.

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    Hochwertige Modelle liefern die beständigsten und zuverlässigsten Ergebnisse. So ist es beispielsweise wahrscheinlicher, dass das gleiche Testergebnis angezeigt wird, wenn jemand innerhalb eines sehr kurzen Zeitraums wiederholt getestet wird. Das bedeutet, dass Profi-BACtracks problemlos mehrere Tests kurz hintereinander bewältigen.

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    Tests von hohen BAK

    Profimodelle sind bei höheren BAK durchweg genau. Wenn jemand stark alkoholisiert ist, z. B. bei 0,22 % BAK, liefern diese Modelle mit größerer Wahrscheinlichkeit ein genaues Testergebnis im Vergleich zu Halbleitermodellen, die bei höheren BAK-Werten weniger präzise sind.

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    Keine falsch positiven Ergebnisse

    Hochwertige Modelle melden kein falsch positives Ergebnis aufgrund des Vorkommens von Aceton, wie es einige Halbleitermodelle fälschlicherweise bei Diabetikern oder Personen mit kalorienarmer Ernährung tun.

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    Langfristige Zuverlässigkeit

    Dank der längeren Lebensdauer der Sensoren behalten die Profimodelle ihre Genauigkeit für Tausende von Tests bei und bieten so langfristige Zuverlässigkeit.

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    Schnellere Aufwärmphase

    Die BACtrack-Modelle der Profiklasse bieten eine schnellere Aufwärmzeit, was ein Vorteil ist bei der Durchführung von Tests mit hohem Aufkommen und Back-to-Back-Tests.

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    Längere Lebensdauer der Batterie

    Der geringe Stromverbrauch ermöglicht bis zu 1500 Tests mit einem Satz AA-Batterien.