The Next Web States BACtrack Vio Could Save Lives

The Next Web States BACtrack Vio Could Save Lives


The Next Web wrote an article on the release of the BACtrack Vio Smartphone Breathalyzer last week, mentioning its ability to potentially save lives.

"BACtrack has been making breathalyzers for years, but it didn’t release its first smartphone unit until last year. The new Vio is more compact and affordable than the original BACtrack Mobile. Alongside the product launch, BACtrack has also released an improved app with a better-looking design and new features like the ability to guess your blood alcohol content ahead of time."

The reviewer mentioned a few of the key differences between BACtrack Mobile and Vio--the size and shape, sensor type, and power source.

"The device is powered by a AAA battery, which I prefer over the rechargeable micro-USB batteries that some units have."

But how will the BACtrack affect drinkers and those on the roads?

"I’m a big supporter of the move to use our smartphones to make breathalyzers readily available to consumers," he says. "Most drinkers have to just guess what their limits are. The extra data could save lives... Considering how convenient and affordable BACtrack’s Vio is, there aren’t many obstacles to keeping one on hand."



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