Centro esperti

Ci impegniamo a offrire alle persone modalità affidabili per conoscere gli effetti dell'alcol sul loro organismo e a sensibilizzare sulle gravi conseguenze del consumo di alcol e della guida in stato di ebbrezza.

DUI Statistics

DUI Statistics

DUI and Your Job

DUI and Your Job

Can You Trick a Breathalyzer?

Can You Trick a Breathalyzer?

Can You Trick a Breathalyzer? Misconceptions persist about what breathalyzers can and can’t do and how a person might be able to "beat" one in a roadside test. The following...

Can You Trick a Breathalyzer?

Can You Trick a Breathalyzer? Misconceptions persist about what breathalyzers can and can’t do and how a person might be able to "beat" one in a roadside test. The following...

Calculating your BAC

Calculating your BAC