Study Shows 80% of Drinkers Would Share Breathalyzer Results

Study Shows 80% of Drinkers Would Share Breathalyzer Results

Sharing results

According to a national online survey conducted in June, Americans who drink alcohol are more likely to share their BAC results than keep it to themselves.

Other key findings from the survey:

  • 75% of Americans responding to the survey consume alcohol at least once per month
  • If shown to be above the legal limit in a bar, 89% of American drinkers would call a cab or friend for a ride home
    • Yet 44% of respondents drinking more than four drinks in one night admit to making poor choices
    • 7 out of 10 American drinkers think owning a breathalyzer would allow them to gauge when they’ve had enough to drink
    • Over 80% of respondents view a breathalyzer as a serious, decision-making tool
    • To avoid a run-in with the law, regular drinkers are twice as likely to purchase a breathalyzer than a radar detector
    • 4 out of 5 respondents are willing to share their BAC with others
      • But only 20% would keep it to themselves


For a full report on all the insights we gathered from this survey, view our survey results page

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