The Doctors Feature the BACtrack S75 Pro Breathalyzer on Episode Titled “The Health Scare Experiment”

The Doctors Feature the BACtrack S75 Pro Breathalyzer on Episode Titled “The Health Scare Experiment”

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and with a holiday weekend comes holiday drinking--and that can mean many drunk drivers on the road. (In fact, studies show that this can be one of the most dangerous times to drive all year.)

In case you think you're okay to drive after having in a few drinks, think again! In this episode titled The Health Scare Experiment, "The Doctors" television show discusses the shocking results of their drunk driving health experiment. They also call on BACtrack President Keith Nothacker to drive home how breathalyzers can help people make safe decisions when it comes to driving after drinking.  

Learn the dangers of driving while intoxicated and learn how to tell if you've had too much--buy a BACtrack breathalyzer now!
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