Fortune Recommends BACtrack Breathalyzers to Aid New Year's Resolve

Fortune Recommends BACtrack Breathalyzers to Aid New Year's Resolve

January is a time for resolutions--and in this day and age, you have technology to help you stick to your word. Fortune just published an article about which devices and services can help you stay focused on those lofty goals you so boldly published on Facebook early January 1st, but may already be faltering on. Included: BACtrack Smartphone Breathalyzers

An interesting point the article makes is that while many tech devices exceed at counting how many hours you've slept, steps you've taken, and drinks you've imbibed--what's it all mean in the long run?

Aggregators like Apple's HealthKit, which BACtrack Smartphone Breathalyzers now seamlessly integrate with, help to draw the bigger picture of your health. In other words, using HealthKit in conjunction with the BACtrack App and other health monitors, you can see how that one extra glass of wine on Sunday affected your sleeping pattern and exercise pattern on Monday. 

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