BACtrack Consumption Report Makes Headlines

BACtrack Consumption Report Makes Headlines

The BACtrack Consumption Report is getting a lot of attention. Here's a round up of some of our favorite quotes from media covering it.

As Thrillist reported, "Everyone has their own way of coping with those seasonal affective slumps, but apparently most of those methods involve alcohol. As the breathalyzer company BACtrack found when they crunched their 2014 numbers, winter is the booziest season, accounting for almost all of the biggest drinking days of the year. And here you thought your summer yacht parties were out of control."

Total Frat Move also posted a brief, easy to digest summary: "The short version: We’re drinking the most during the winter months, and the drunkest states are spread out a bit, with higher concentrations in the southeast, the northeast, and some of those cold states where the only thing to do is drink."

Fansided focused in on the geographic data: "According to the data BACtrack published, the country’s drunkest residents seem to reside in the easternmost part of the nation — Alabama, Arkansas, and Tennessee, and Maine all recorded the highest average BAC across the entire state, while Waltham, Massachusetts and Jersey City, New Jersey topped the list for individual cities. These two cities alone clocked a massive .133% BAC and .132% BAC respectively across the past year — nearly double the legal limit on average."

Vinepair went one step further by creating some graphics of their own.


"The good folks at BACtrack make an array of breathalyzers, including consumer versions that sync with your smartphone. BACtrack anonymously aggregated nearly 300,000 BAC test results to take a look at how America drinks."  

Other mentions of the report were found in the Examinerthe Blaze, i09, Daily MailBro Bible, Medical Daily, EveryJoe, Newser and several other outlets. It's great to see this news is being carried to the people--we certainly think it's something worth reporting on. 

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